Limit Order

What is a limit order?
In traditional finance, a limit order is an order to buy or sell a security at a specified price. When you are buying, you instruct your broker not to go hi...
Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 5:32 PM
How is a limit order different from a normal token swap?
A normal swap is an order to swap tokens at market rate. The rate is not specified at the time of placing the order. A limit order is an order to swap toke...
Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 6:33 PM
How is a limit order at KyberSwap different from a limit order at centralized (CEX) or other decentralized exchanges (DEX)?
In a typical CEX, the user has to deposit funds and these funds are fully held by the CEX as a custodian. After the trade is made, the user still has to wit...
Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 5:35 PM
I understand that KyberSwap’s limit order doesn’t require funds to be deposited. How does it work?
Yes, it's true that a user can create a limit order without depositing funds. At a technical level, a user signs the transaction, allowing the KyberSwap...
Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 6:37 PM
Is there any limit on the trading amount?
Yes, Minimum transaction amount per limit order is 1 ETH (or equivalent). Maximum amount depends upon the trading pair. Just give it a try; If KyberSwap can...
Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 5:36 PM
Can I submit multiple limit orders for the same token pair?
Yes, you can create multiple limit orders for the same token pair. Let us explain with the help of an example: Nakamoto has 3 WBTC (Current rate: 11,000 DA...
Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 6:38 PM
If I have 1 WBTC in my wallet, can I submit 2 limit orders, each worth of 1 WBTC?
No, you are unable to do that. Let us explain with the help of an example: Vitalik has 1 WBTC (Current rate: 11,000 DAI) in his wallet. - Vitalik creates ...
Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 6:38 PM
What are the limit order trading fees? Do I need to pay gas fees for token swaps?
KyberSwap has further simplified the trading fees structure for limit order. KyberSwap has 2 tiers fee structure: 0.5% of transaction amount If trading...
Fri, 16 Oct, 2020 at 5:42 PM
I submitted the limit order but it was not triggered even though my desired price was hit?
The Limit Order will trigger as soon as it hits your desired rate. However, due to the following cases, your transaction might not be filled: 1. You do not...
Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 6:47 PM
Why do I need WETH instead of ETH?
Due to technical requirements, only tokens that adhere to ERC20 standards can be used for limit orders. ETH doesn’t implement ERC20 but WETH does. If you d...
Tue, 16 Jun, 2020 at 6:48 PM